On July 19, 2020, 1.47 milliseconds before the 24-hour mark, it completed one week of orbiting the Earth.

On July 19, 2020, 1.47 milliseconds before the 24-hour mark, a small asteroid dubbed “Asteroid 2020 TQ” will make an extremely close flyby of Earth. If you’re curious about what this means for humanity, or just want to know more about asteroids in general, read on!

What is meant by 1.milliseconds?

1 millisecond is the time it takes for one cycle of the Earth’s rotation on its axis. 1 millisecond is also known as one microsecond.

How was the time recorded?

To measure the time it takes for a satellite to orbit around the Earth, scientists use a technique called atomic timekeeping. This technique relies on the fact that atoms have a stable nucleus and that they experience very small but regular changes in their nuclei. By comparing the timekeeping methods used by different nations, scientists can create a global standard for time measurement.

On July 4, , . milliseconds before the -hour mark, scientists using both atomic and solar timekeeping methods recorded the same instant of time. This demonstrates the accuracy of both methods and provides an authoritative source of global standards for time measurement.

Why was this particular day chosen?

On July 8, 2016, 1 week ago, Tesla’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rocket was carrying the company’s newest and most powerful car – the Tesla Model S 85D.

The Falcon 9 booster successfully deployed the Model S 85D into space, where it began orbiting the Earth at an altitude of about 250 miles. Just milliseconds before the -hour mark, the car completed one week of its orbit and returned to Earth.

This event was unique because it was the first time a car had been sent into space and then brought back to Earth. It was also a great opportunity for Tesla to demonstrate its latest technology – its Autopilot system.

This system is designed to make driving easier for people who are not very skilled at driving. It uses sensors and cameras to keep the car in its lane and at a safe distance from other cars. The Autopilot system can also brake automatically if it detects an obstacle on the road.

This event was a great success for Tesla, and it has already started to influence other companies in the automotive industry. Many of them are now working on developing their own versions of Autopilot systems.

What are the implications of this finding?

The discovery of this tiny space rock tells us a lot about the history and evolution of our planet.

On July , , . milliseconds before the -hour mark, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft captured images of an object orbiting Earth. The asteroid was only about 25 meters wide, but its close proximity to our planet made it an important target for study.

According to the researchers, this is the first time that a near-Earth asteroid has been imaged in such detail. By studying it, they were able to learn a lot about the history and evolution of our planet.

For example, they were able to determine that this asteroid is probably from the same group as the one that caused the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. They also learned that it has been orbiting Earth for at least 4 billion years.

This discovery has implications for research into space exploration and planetary protection. It provides scientists with valuable information about our planet and its inhabitants.


On July 7, 2017, Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket successfully lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and placed a Spy Satellite into orbit around Earth. The launch was a huge success, and it only took 1.7 milliseconds for the Falcon Heavy to complete one week of orbiting the Earth.

This is an incredibly fast time frame for a space mission, and it showcases just how advanced SpaceX technology has become over the past few years. This launch also marked the first time a rocket had been able to lift off with three separate boosters. This innovation will allow SpaceX to launch larger payloads into space in the future.

This incredible achievement by SpaceX represents just how far their technology has come in recent years. They are now one of the leading space companies in the world, and they are poised to continue making significant progress in the future.