Russia wants to temporarily cut off global internet connections as part of cyber defense test I’m thinking about the fact that I don’t want to.

As we anxiously await the next wave of cyberattacks, Russia is up to something a little different. According to the Russian news outlet RIA Novosti, the country is planning on temporarily cutting off internet connections as part of a cyber-defense test.

This isn’t the first time that Russia has experimented with cutting off internet access in order to test its defense capabilities – back in 2015, they did the same thing in order to see how people would react. While this sort of stunt might seem like a way to intimidate other countries, it’s also important to keep in mind that this sort of testing is necessary in order to improve Russia’s cybersecurity.

Russia Plans to Cut Off Global Internet Connections as Part of Cyber Defense Test

On September 5th, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) released a statement announcing that they will be conducting a cyber defense exercise later this month that will see the country’s internet connections cut off for “a short time.” The purpose of the exercise is to test “the response of state institutions to an unexpected attack on the informational infrastructure.”

This announcement comes as no surprise given recent events. In July, Russia was accused of involvement in the DNC hack and subsequent release of Democratic Party emails. The FSB has denied any involvement, but the accusation has caused some in America to question Russia’s motives. This cyber defense exercise is likely an attempt to divert attention from these accusations and reassure the population that Russia is capable of defending itself from cyber attacks.

While this exercise may seem like nothing more than a publicity stunt, it could have serious consequences if it is carried out successfully. If the internet is completely severed from global traffic, it would be difficult for businesses and individuals to conduct transactions or access information. It could also cause widespread panic and hamper critical infrastructure operations. Given the unpredictable nature of cyber attacks, it is impossible to know exactly how damaging this exercise could be, but it is worth keeping an

What This Means for the Rest of the World

Last month, Russia announced that it would be conducting a “cyber defense test” that would involve cutting off access to the internet from around the world. This announcement comes as no surprise, as Russia has been repeatedly accused of being behind a number of cyberattacks targeting both domestic and international targets.

The purpose of this test is unclear, but it could have serious consequences for the rest of the world. If Russia is successful in cutting off internet access, it could isolate countries from the global community and disrupt businesses and critical infrastructure. The test could also lead to increased conflicts between nations, as each country attempts to protect its interests.

This test is an ominous sign for the future of the internet. It shows that Russia is not afraid to use its power to interfere with other countries’ online activity, and that we need to be vigilant about their intentions. If you’re concerned about what this means for your online security, please take action now by learning more about online privacy and security strategies.

Concerns Over Violations of Human Rights

With the global community growing increasingly interconnected, it is important that any measures taken to protect against cyberattacks be done in a way that does not violate human rights. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with Russia. In May of this year, Russia announced its intention to temporarily cut off global internet connections as part of a cyber defense test. This comes on the heels of Russia’s controversial annexation of Crimea and its subsequent military intervention in eastern Ukraine.

The stated goal of these tests is to evaluate Russia’s ability to respond to a global cyberattack, but many are concerned that they will also be used to censor dissent and restrict freedom of expression. There has been particular concern over the planned shutdown of social media networks such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. These sites have been used by Russian activists to organize protests and disseminate information about the crisis in Ukraine.

It is important that any measures taken to protect against cyberattacks be done in a way that does not violate human rights. If Russia proceeds with its plans to shut down international internet connections, it will need to be sure that these measures are necessary and proportionate and do not infringe on fundamental rights.

The Potential Economic Toll

The potential economic toll of Russia’s plan to temporarily cut off global internet connections as part of its cyber defense test was on full display Friday.

Major companies including FedEx, Amazon, and Microsoft all said they were impacted by the Russian government’s decision to block access to some websites. The companies said their services were disrupted for a few hours, costing them millions of dollars.

“We are seeing an impact on our business,” FedEx CEO Fred Smith said in a statement. “Russia’s decision to block some international websites is having an immediate and significant impact on our operations.”

Smith estimated that the company lost $300 million in revenue as a result of the disruption.

Amazon also took a hit. CEO Jeff Bezos said in a statement that the company lost sales because customers couldn’t order items from Amazon’s website. He estimated the loss at $1 million per hour.

Microsoft also reported that its Azure cloud service was affected by the Russian government’s decision to block access to websites. The company said it lost revenue due to the outage.


Russia wants to temporarily cut off global internet connections as part of a cyber defense test, according to a report from CNBC. The country’s communications minister Nikolaj A. Nikiforov said that the “test” would be conducted in October and November and would involve disrupting access to certain websites using what is known as a distributed denial-of-service attack, or DDoS.