The Pope said that the essence of the family meal is being lost due to modern appliances

It’s not only when you’re out and about that the family meal is being lost – modern appliances are to blame, too! Pope Francis has said that the essence of the family meal is being lost due to modern appliances such as phones and computers. He believes that while these gadgets can be great for communication and keeping us entertained, they’re an obstacle in the way of developing a strong familial bond.

What Pope Francis said

Pope Francis has said that the essence of the family meal is being lost due to modern appliances. He believes that this is a problem because it takes away from the close bond that exists between family members. He said that the family meal is a time when everyone can come together and have a conversation.

What the Pope is proposing

Pope Francis has proposed a radical change to the way the family meal is eaten- by getting rid of modern appliances entirely. The Pope believes that the essence of the family meal is being lost due to our reliance on technology, and he wants to try and bring that back.

He made this proposal while speaking at a conference on families in Milan, Italy. He said that “the family meal should not be reduced to mere eating but become an occasion for dialogue, for closeness, for sharing experiences and feelings.”

The Pope is suggesting that we get rid of TVs, laptops, tablets, and other gadgets in order to have more meaningful conversations around the dinner table. He says that “the family meal should not be reduced to mere eating but become an occasion for dialogue, for closeness, for sharing experiences and feelings.”

This isn’t the first time the Pope has spoken out about how our technology is affecting our relationships. Last year he said that “a great many young people today do not know how to relate to others; they do not know how to build relationships.” He believes that these relationships are crucial for learning about ourselves and about others.

So far there hasn’t been much response from


Pope Francis has spoken out about the decline of the family meal, and he has some harsh words for modern appliances that are taking away the essence of what it means to be a family. According to him, appliances like televisions and phones have led to people spending less time together as a family, which is having huge consequences on our social fabric. He encourages families to get back to their roots by cooking and eating together as often as possible, something that will not only improve the quality of their meals but also strengthen their relationships.