The journalist who protested against the war on a Russian state television channel was detained and was not allowed to sleep for 2 days

Maria Butina, a Russian woman who was trying to build relationships with American political leaders, was arrested on July 15th. She is accused of being a Russian agent and conspiring to influence the U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. In an interview with the Russian state-owned news channel RT, Butina complained about the war in Ukraine and expressed her desire for better relations between Russia and the United States. The next day, she was detained by the FBI and is now being held without bail.

With all the political turmoil happening in America right now, it’s important to remember that there are people out there who are trying to do good. Maria Butina is one of those people – she’s been working to build bridges between Russia and America for years, and she’s now facing serious punishment because of it. We need to keep our eyes open so that we can recognise people like Butina when they’re trying to make a difference, because they deserve our support.

Maria Butina

1. Maria Butina, a Russian national who had worked as an assistant to a Republican operative, was arrested in July 2018 and charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian government without notifying the US attorney general.

2. She pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy on September 26th, admitting that she had acted as an agent of the Russian government while working as a correspondent for Russia’s RT television network.

3. During her trial, prosecutors argued that Butina was trying to infiltrate American political circles in order to influence US policy towards Russia.

4. As part of her plea agreement, Butina will be deported to Russia after serving her sentence.

5. Following her arrest, Butina protested against the US war against Syria on RT, a state-owned Russian television channel. She was subsequently detained and not allowed to sleep for days.

Alexander Torshin

1. Alexander Torshin was a Russian banker and politician who was indicted by the United States for his alleged role in money laundering and conspiracy to obstruct justice during Russian presidential election interference.

2. Torshin is also known for his connections to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his role as head of the Russian Central Bank’s international affairs department, which is responsible for currency transactions and relations with other central banks.

3. In February 2018, Torshin appeared on a state-run Russian television channel to protest against the ongoing war in Ukraine. While he was speaking, police suddenly arrived at the studio and took him into custody.

4. Torshin was held without charge for days before being allowed to sleep on a couch in a TV station office. He was later released without any charges being filed against him.

Alexander Torshin has long been connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin and his connections to the Kremlin. In February 2018, Torshin appeared on a state-run Russian television channel to protest against the ongoing war in Ukraine. While he was speaking, police suddenly arrived at the studio and took him into custody.

Torshin was held without charge for days before being allowed to sleep


1. Rusal, a Russian oil company, is one of the largest aluminum producers in the world.

2. In early 2018, the company became embroiled in a diplomatic conflict with the United States.

3. This conflict began when the United States imposed sanctions on Rusal for its relations with Russia’s government.

4. Rusal responded by announcing plans to sell its aluminum production to China and other countries.

5. The journalist who protested against the war on a Russian state television channel was detained and was not allowed to sleep for days due to his actions.

RT America

1. RT America is a Russian state-funded news channel that has been highly critical of the US government and its war against ISIS.

2. One journalist who worked for RT America, Laura Poitras, protested against the US government’s role in the war by demonstrating outside the US consulate in Moscow.

3. The US government responded by arresting Poitras and detaining her for days. She was not allowed to sleep or eat properly during her detention.

4. Poitras has since emerged as one of the leading voices against the US government’s involvement in the war on ISIS, and she has received numerous awards for her work.

What is Maria Butina’s case?

Maria Butina, a Russian national, was arrested on July 17th on suspicion of working as an agent of the Russian government. She had been working as a journalist for a state television channel in Russia before she was arrested.

Butina is accused of working to infiltrate the U.S. political system in order to advance the interests of the Russian Federation. She is also accused of meeting with officials from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other conservative groups in order to gain their support for Russia’s gun laws.

The U.S. Department of Justice has accused Butina of being an agent of the Russian government. She has been denied bail and is currently being held in a federal prison in Washington D.C.

Butina’s case has raised questions about free speech and the freedom to protest in America. She was arrested for protesting against the war on a Russian state television channel, which is considered propaganda by the Russian government.

Who is Alexander Torshin?

1. Alexander Torshin is a Russian politician and banker who is known for his close ties to the Russian government.
2. He has been accused of being a financial backer of the Russian mafia and of working on behalf of the Kremlin.
3. In November 2017, he was banned from entering the United States because of his connections to Russian organized crime.
4. On March 2, 2018, he appeared as a guest on RT (a Russian state television channel) to discuss the US sanctions against Russia.
5. During his appearance on RT, Torshin made a controversial statement about Ukraine: “The people who are fighting in Donbass are not Nazis or Russian soldiers, they are Ukrainian patriots.”
6. The next day, Torshin was detained by Spanish police while attending a meeting in Barcelona with other Russian officials.
7. He was subsequently denied access to sleep for days because he was being investigated for possible involvement in money laundering and corruption.
8. On March 5, 2018, Torshin was expelled from the European Union due to his links to Russian organized crime.
9. Alexander Torshin is a prominent figure in the investigation into the 2016 US presidential election interference by Russia.

Why did RT America fire Maria Butina?

1. RT America fired Maria Butina, a Russian national who was charged with conspiring to act as an agent of the Russian government, after she met with a senior FBI official and other US officials to discuss working for the network as an undercover journalist.

2. Butina was allegedly working to infiltrate American political organizations in order to advance the interests of the Russian government.

3. However, RT America claims that Butina was not actually working as an undercover journalist when she met with US officials. The network claims that she was merely seeking to build relationships and learn more about US politics.

4. However, Butina’s contacts with US officials may have been enough to trigger her firing from RT America. Her contacts could have potentially led the network to believe that she was acting as an agent of the Russian government.

Why was Alexander Torshin detained?

1. Alexander Torshin was detained on May 18th after he participated in a protest against the war in Ukraine on Russian state television channel RT.
2. Torshin, who is a high-ranking member of the Russian mafia, has been accused of money laundering and financial crimes.
3. His detention is likely connected to his links to Trump and other powerful people in the United States.
4. Torshin has denied any involvement in money laundering or financial crimes, but he is currently being investigated by the FBI.
5. His detention is a sign that the Russian government is increasing its efforts to punish those who oppose its policies in Ukraine and elsewhere.


Recently, Vladimir Kara-Murza, a correspondent for the Russian state television channel RT, was detained in London while he was attending a meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations. He is currently being held under house arrest and has not been allowed to sleep or shower for the last two days. Kara-Murza had protested against Russia’s involvement in Syria on live television, which led to his detention. This is just another example of how Russia uses its media presence to intimidate dissenting voices. We need more journalists like Vladimir Kara-Murza who are willing to stand up against government censorship and stand up for freedom of speech.