Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog.

Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog. Tasich, who is in his 60s and has Down Syndrome, was recently the first person to take a dog on an around-the-world trip without ever returning home.

Tom Tasich and his dog, Butter

Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog, Butter. Tasich and Butter became the first known dog-human team to traverse the entire United States without traveling in a car or on an airplane. Tasich and Butter completed their trip in just under 3 months, averaging over 100 miles per day.
The journey started in June of 2016 and took them through all 48 contiguous states as well as Washington D.C. and parts of Canada. Along the way they stopped at various points to visit libraries, museums, and historical sites.
Tasich says that he was inspired to undertake the journey after seeing pictures of people walking their dogs on the beach in France.
“I thought it would be a fun thing to do,” Tasich said about his decision to travel with his dog. “But I didn’t anticipate how much work it would be.”
Butter played an important role in helping Tasich stay on schedule and keep up with his daily mileage goal. The duo would often walk for hours at a time without stopping for anything other than a quick drink of water or bite to eat.
Tasich says that he is grateful for

How Tom Tasich met Butter

Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog. Tasich, who is legally blind, was recently able to take Butter for a walk without her being leashed. The pair completed a three-mile journey without incident and Butter was even able to sit next to Tasich on the bus afterwards.

The accomplishment marks a huge milestone for Tasich, who has been living with Butter since she was six months old. According to Tasich, the dog has been instrumental in helping him live a full and active life despite his disabilities. “She’s my best friend,” Tasich said. “Without her I wouldn’t be able to do anything.”

Butter’s ability to guide Tasich around has also helped him regain some of his independence. Prior to meeting Butter, Tasich could only survive on limited support from caregivers or family members. But now that he can take care of himself with help from his furry friend, he feels more secure and happier overall.

Tasich credits Butter’s training and guidance for helping him learn how to navigate the world around him. “I used to have a cane but now I don’t need it,” he said. “Butter

The bond between Tom Tasich and Butter

Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog. Tasich and his 12-year-old yellow Labrador named Butter became an official team in October when they completed the first leg of the Triple Crown of Dog Agility, an event that tests a dogs agility, stamina and obedience.
“The Triple Crown is one of the most grueling events out there for a dog,” said Tasich. “It’s three days long, consisting of three heats with different obstacles. Butter has been a part of my family for 12 years now, so to be able to do something like this together is really special.”
Tasich credits Butter with helping him stay mentally and physically fit. “It’s great for her too,” he said. “She gets to run and play with me all day long.”
Tasich started agility training at the age of five with his first dog, a terrier named Buster. He continued training throughout high school and eventually transitioned into competitive obedience racing with Butter as his partner.”I just love working with her,” he said about Butter. “She always does what I tell her and she’s very obedient.”
The Triple Crown of Dog Agility is an annual event that started

What Tom Tasich has done for Butter

Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog. Tasich’s dog, Butter, is the first dog in the world to receive a prosthetic leg.

Tasich, who was born without legs below the knee, became determined to help his four-legged friend after seeing a news report about a dog with a similar disability who was being forced to live in isolation. Tasich and Butter started travelling together in 2013, when Butter was just eight months old and Tasich began fitting her with a custom-made prosthetic leg.

Since then, the duo has visited events and made appearances around the world to raise awareness and money for others with disabilities like Butter’s. Tasich hopes that by sharing their story people will be inspired to do more to help those in need.

The future of Butter and Tom Tasich

Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog. Tasich and his furry friend, Butter, have been living together as a team for over two years now and the duo has recently accomplished a major milestone: they’ve completed 1,000 miles together! Tasich’s unusual partnership began when he adopted Butter as a stray in 2013. The dog had been abandoned by her previous owner and was malnourished and abused. However, despite her hardships, Butter quickly grew to love Tasich and the two have since traveled all around the United States together.
Their odyssey has taken them through some challenging terrain – including traversing through the Appalachian Mountains – but their bond has held strong. Tasich attributes their success to Butter’s positive attitude and determination; she never gives up on her human partner no matter how tough things get.
Tasich hopes that his story will inspire others to adopt animals who might need a little extra love in their lives. “You never know what kind of impact an animal can have on your life,” he says. “Butter has changed mine for the better.”


Tom Tasich from New Jersey has set a new milestone with his companion dog, Foo. Tom and Foo have been living together for 5 years now, and during that time Foo has become very close with Tom. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that Foo is unable to walk on all fours due to an injury sustained in a car accident, Tom believes they would be inseparable. This incredible bond between man and dog is something to behold, and it’s clear that both Tom and Foo are thriving thanks to their relationship. Congratulations toTom Tasich on this remarkable accomplishment!