International astronomers have discovered two planets orbiting a star only 12.5 light-years away from Earth.

Astronomers have discovered two planets orbiting a star only 12.5 light-years away from Earth. The new planets are called TRAPPIST-1 and were found by using a telescope located in Chile. The new planets are much closer to their star than Earth is to the sun and may have water on their surface.

What is a planet?

A planet is a celestial body that, according to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), “is in orbit around the sun, is large enough to be spherical and has cleared its neighbourhood of other objects.” This definition excludes dwarf planets, which are smaller objects that orbit the sun but are not large enough to be considered planets.

Two new planets have been discovered orbiting a star only . light-years away from Earth. The planets were found using the radial velocity method, which uses the Doppler shift of spectral lines to determine the motion of a celestial body.

The first planet, called KOI-722b, has a mass about one-tenth that of Earth and is about twice as large. The second planet, called KOI-878b, has a mass about one-fifth that of Earth and is about the size of Jupiter. These planets are orbiting the star KOI-722b at a distance of about .5 AU (a distance equivalent to .5 light-years).

This discovery marks the first time that two planets have been discovered orbiting a star beyond our own galaxy. It also opens up new possibilities for studying how these planets formed and evolved.

What are the different types of planets?

There are a variety of different types of planets, each with its own unique features. Some planets are gas giants, like Jupiter, which is huge and has a lot of gas and dust orbiting around it. Other planets are smaller and rocky, like Earth.

The two new planets that have been discovered by international astronomers are both small and rocky. They are only about the size of Earth, which is why they were not spotted before.

These new planets orbit a star only . light-years away from Earth. This means that if we wanted to visit them, we would have to travel through space at a very high speed. However, this is something that we may one day be able to do.

How do astronomers discover planets?

Astronomers use a variety of methods to discover planets orbiting other stars. One method is to look for the tiny changes in the light from a star when a planet passes in front of it. This method is called radial velocity spectroscopy.

Another way astronomers discovery planets is by using the transit method. This method involves watching a planet pass in front of its star and measuring how much light is blocked by the planet. If enough light is blocked, it can be used to calculate the size and shape of the planet.

Finally, astronomers can also watch a star as it evolves over time. By studying how the star changes over time, they can determine whether or not there are any planets orbiting it.

What was the discovery of two new planets like?

Two new planets have been discovered orbiting a star only . light-years away from Earth. The discovery was made by international astronomers using the Very Large Telescope in Chile.

The new planets are similar in size to Earth and are believed to be in the same orbit as our planet. They were found by looking for changes in the brightness of the star that they orbit.

This discovery is exciting because it shows that there is still much to explore beyond our own solar system. It also helps to confirm that there are probably many other planets out there, waiting to be discovered.

What does this mean for the future of Earth?

This discovery by international astronomers is a major breakthrough in our understanding of the universe. It has implications for the future of Earth, as these new planets may have the potential to support life.

The two planets were discovered by using the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT). They were initially only detected as slight irregularities in the star’s light, but were later confirmed as planets by using different techniques.

This discovery was made possible by the improved technology that ESO has developed over the past few years. The VLT is an extremely powerful telescope that can see objects very close to Earth. By using this telescope, astronomers were able to find these new planets relatively easily.

This discovery provides us with a new perspective on the universe. It shows us that there are likely many more planets out there that we haven’t yet discovered. This could have significant implications for the future of Earth, as it could lead to the discovery of new forms of life.