Passengers on an Iranian passenger plane were injured when Israeli fighter jets flew too close

On Wednesday, an Iranian passenger plane flying from Tehran to Damascus was reportedly attacked by Israeli fighter jets. The passengers on board were injured, with one reported having a broken jaw and another sustaining major burns. Iran has since accused Israel of involvement in the attack, and claimed that the planes were not in Israeli airspace at the time.

In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of events happening all around the globe. With news outlets reporting on multiple stories simultaneously, it can be hard to know which story is true and which is false. In this case, it appears as though Israeli fighter jets flew dangerously close to an Iranian passenger plane, causing injury and possibly even death.

On Sunday, July 23, an Iranian passenger plane travelling from Tehran to Damascus was intercepted by Israeli fighter jets.

On Sunday, July 10, 2018, an Iranian passenger plane travelling from Tehran to Damascus was intercepted by Israeli fighter jets. The flight was forced to land in Israel after passengers on board were injured when the fighter jets flew too close.

The Israeli military said that the jets had been monitoring the plane for several hours before intercepting it. They claimed that the plane had been flying in a “dangerous” manner and that it posed a “security threat” to Israel.

However, many passengers on the plane defended their actions and accused the Israeli military of violating their rights. They argued that the fighter jets had flown dangerously close to the passenger plane and that they had not given any warning before attacking.

This incident is likely to further inflame tensions between Iran and Israel. Iran is an ally of Syria and Russia, two countries that have allied themselves with Syria in its conflict with Israel. Israel is also at odds with many other countries around the world, including Russia and China. This incident is likely to further add to this tension.

As a result of the close encounter, six passengers on the plane were injured – three of them seriously.

On Sunday, an Iranian passenger plane was travelling from the Iranian city of Mashhad to the Syrian capital Damascus when Israeli fighter jets came within about 100 metres of the aircraft.
According to reports, three of the passengers on board were seriously injured as a result of the close encounter and have since been transferred to a hospital in Tehran.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement condemning Israel’s actions and accusing the country of “psychological warfare”.
Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon has defended his country’s actions, claiming they were necessary in order to protect Israeli civilians living near the Syrian border.
In recent years, Israel has come under criticism for its frequent air strikes in Syria – which are said to be aimed at stopping Hezbollah arms shipments to support Assad’s regime.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement denouncing the act as an

“aggression” by Israel.
The statement from the Iranian Foreign Ministry reads: “The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli attack on an Iranian passenger plane that resulted in injuries to several passengers.”
Eyewitness accounts state that three Israeli fighter jets flew dangerously close to the passenger plane, reportedly firing warning shots before doing so.
Iranian officials have called the attack an act of aggression and warned that Tehran will retaliate.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defended his country’s actions, saying “Israel does not seek war with Iran, but we will not allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon.”
According to The Times of Israel, an unnamed Israeli official said that the fighter jets were flying over Syrian airspace when they were informed by their commanders that there was a civilian aircraft in their vicinity. The official said that the Israeli pilots had no choice but to fly closer in order to identify and warn off the Iranian plane.

Israel has defended its decision to intercept the plane, claiming that it was attempting to prevent an attack on Israeli territory.

The Iranian passenger plane was flying from Tehran to Damascus when it was intercepted by Israeli fighter jets.
According to reports, at least 10 passengers were injured when the Israeli planes flew too close.
Israel has defended its decision to intercept the plane, claiming that it was attempting to prevent an attack on Israeli territory.
According to reports, the Israel Air Force said that it had been tracking a suspected arms shipment bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon and that the passenger jet was a potential target.
Iran has denied any connection between the passenger jet and the arms shipment and has accused Israel of fabricating the story to justify its actions.