What happens if you eat too little sodium (salt)?

Sodium is an essential nutrient that helps regulate blood pressure and fluid levels, and it’s also important for healthy nerve and muscle function. Though most of us get enough sodium from food, there are times when we may not consume enough salt – for example, during a diet or during pregnancy. In such cases, it’s important to understand how to get the sodium we need from other sources.

What are the effects of eating too little sodium?

When you eat too little sodium, your body can’t properly regulate blood pressure and other bodily functions. Below are some of the most common effects of eating too little salt:

1. Increased risk of heart disease. Eating too little salt can increase the risk of heart disease by raising blood pressure levels and increasing the risk of developing hypertension (a high blood pressure condition).

2. Decreased blood flow to the brain. When the body doesn’t have enough salt, it can’t function as well as it should in terms of normal nerve function and muscle function. This can lead to problems like headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.

3. Increased risk of stomach ulcers. Eating too little salt can also increase your risk of developing stomach ulcers. A stomach ulcer is a type of skin infection that can occur anywhere on your body, but is more commonly found on the stomach or intestines.

4. Difficulty absorbing nutrients from food. When the body doesn’t have enough salt, it’s harder for the body to absorb important nutrients from food. This can lead to deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals, which can cause serious health problems over time.

What are the signs you need to watch out for when restricting salt?

If you are trying to restrict your salt intake, be sure to watch for these signs:

– Sweating more than normal
– Feeling thirsty all the time
– Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
– Cramps or muscle aches

How can you lower your sodium intake without going overboard?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t eat enough salt. Too little sodium can cause problems like high blood pressure and a host of other health issues. Here are four ways to lower your sodium intake without going overboard:

1. Stick to canned or prepared foods instead of processed ones. Processed foods often contain high amounts of sodium.

2. Avoid adding salt to food when you cook it. You can add salt after it’s cooking, but it’s not as effective.

3. Use herbs and spices to flavor your food instead of using salt. Some herbs and spices, like rosemary, have anti-hypertensive properties so they can help lower your sodium intake without impacting your taste buds too much.

4. Consider using low-sodium broth or bouillon in place of regular broth or salt when cooking foods. These products have considerably less sodium than regular broth or salt.


If you are on a low-salt diet, your body will start to conserve fluids, which can lead to dehydration and other health problems. Make sure that you are eating enough salt so that your cells have the minerals they need and don’t end up going into shock. Also be sure to drink plenty of water to help flush out any unused sodium and keep your electrolytes balanced.