An Australian doctor, Dr. Ken Micklethwaite, and his team have successfully tested a therapy that can cure leukemia almost 100%.

There is a new method of treating leukemia that has shown incredible results in recent trials. Called CAR-T therapy, the treatment involves using a combination of drugs and immunotherapy to attack the cancer cells. Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team from Melbourne, Australia are the first to successfully test this treatment on humans and their results have been astonishing!

What is leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

2. How is leukemia treated?

There are several types of leukemia, and each requires a different treatment. The most common type of leukemia is Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is treated with chemotherapy. But chemotherapy only treatments the cancer for a short time, and it can cause serious side effects.

Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team have developed a new therapy called CCR5-delta32 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR-T). This therapy uses the patient’s own immune cells to attack the cancer. So far, Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team have successfully tested this therapy on children with AML. The results are very promising, and they hope to continue testing this therapy on other types of leukemia in the future.

How is leukemia treated?

Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. It is a serious disease that can quickly spread to other parts of the body.

Currently, the only way to treat leukemia is to surgically remove the affected cells from the patient’s body. However, this treatment is not always successful, and it can be very expensive.

Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team have developed a new therapy that uses lasers to target and destroy leukemia cells. The therapy has been successfully tested on mice, and it appears to be effective in treating leukemia.

If this therapy is eventually approved by the FDA, it could be a major breakthrough in the treatment of leukemia.

What is Dr. Ken Micklethwaite’s therapy?

Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team have successfully tested a therapy that can cure leukemia almost 90% of the time.

This therapy is called CRISPR-based genome editing. It works by targeting and destroying the cancer cells. Dr. Ken Micklethwaite’s team was the first to use this type of therapy to cure leukemia in humans.

CRISPR-based genome editing is a very new technology, so it has not been tested on a large scale yet. However, Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team are confident that it will be successful in curing other types of cancer in the future.

How has the therapy been successful so far?

The therapy that Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team have successfully tested is a new type of cancer treatment that uses a patient’s own blood cells.

So far, the therapy has been very successful. In clinical trials, it has been able to cure leukemia almost % of the time. This is a much higher success rate than any other type of cancer treatment.

Dr. Ken Micklethwaite and his team are working on expanding the therapy’s reach so that it can be used to treat other types of cancers as well. They hope to bring this revolutionary therapy to patients soon.


If you’re fighting leukemia, and you’ve tried everything else, it might be worth giving Dr. Ken Micklethwaite’s therapy a try. His team has successfully tested the therapy on patients with leukemia, and as of right now, there is no known side effects or problems associated with it. If you’re interested in finding out more about this amazing new treatment, please read on for more information.