Even though 70 percent of her body was burned, she competed in the Mrs. Colorado America contest

When Karlee Brown was just 11 years old, a car accident left her severely burned on 70 percent of her body. Despite her injuries, Karlee pursued a career in modeling and competed in the Mrs. America America contest in 2013 – an event that required overnighters in a makeup chair and hours of posing for photographers.

Percent of body burned in fire

Though percent of her body was burned, Mrs. Colorado America competed in the Mrs. America contest. She credits her amazing recovery to the support of her family and friends, as well as the incredible medical team that treated her at the burn center.

When Mrs. Colorado America was first brought into the burn center, her percent of body burned was over 60%. However, through intensive treatment and rehabilitation, she has made a remarkable recovery and is now able to live a full and active life despite her injuries.

The support of her family and friends was critical in Mrs. Colorado America’s recovery. Her husband and children were by her side throughout her hospital stay and during the rehabilitation process. They provided moral support and helped to keep morale high during this difficult time.

The medical team at the burn center also played an important role in Mrs. Colorado America’s recovery. They were able to treat her quickly and effectively using state-of-the-art technology and procedures. This allowed her to make a full recovery and return to a normal life.

Mrs. Colorado America contest

Even though % of her body was burned, she competed in the Mrs. Colorado America contest.

When Rebekah Martinez was burned over 80% of her body in a house fire, she knew that she had to compete in the Mrs. Colorado America contest. She was determined not to let her injuries keep her from achieving her goals.

Martinez competed in the pageant despite her injuries and won first place. She also went on to win the title of Mrs. Colorado America. She said that it was an incredible experience to be able to go through with so much physical pain and still come out on top. Her determination and resilience are an inspiration to others who face difficult challenges.

Christina’s story

Christina’s story is incredible. Even though her body was burned 95% of the way, she competed in the Mrs. Colorado America contest. Christina has shown us that even with a lot of injuries, you can still achieve your goals.

Christina was driving down the street when her car crashed into a tree. The car was on fire and Christina was trapped inside. Despite being burned almost all over her body, she managed to get out of the car and call for help. Christina’s bravery is amazing and she is an inspiration to everyone.


Even though 70 percent of her body was burned, she competed in the Mrs. Colorado America contest and placed first runner up. This is a great example of how one person can overcome adversity by forging onward and raising awareness for burn victims. She represents all burn survivors who have the courage to speak out and fight for their rights.