May Phu Phongjun, a child who represents the country, wants to become a scientist at NASA

It’s no secret that the United States is one of Vietnam’s most important trading partners, and the two countries have a long history of cooperation in fields such as science and technology. It was this close relationship that inspired nine-year-old May Phu Phongjun to become a scientist like her heroes – astronauts!

Phu Phongjun is a child who represents the country in international competitions

May Phu Phongjun, a child who represents the country, wants to become a scientist at NASA. Born in 1998, Phu Phongjun has participated in international science competitions since she was five years old. She is currently a secondary school student in Vietnam and is preparing to study physics at the National University of Singapore. In 2017, she won the gold medal in the International Physics Olympiad competition. Her goal is to pursue a career in space science and eventually work for NASA. “I want to be part of the team that will explore new worlds,” she said. “I believe that if we can find out more about our own world and learn more about the universe, we can make improvements here on Earth.” With her ambition and drive, it’s no wonder Phu Phongjun is already being recognized as a rising star in the field of space science.

May Phu Phongjun wants to become a scientist at NASA

May Phu Phongjun is a young child who represents the country in international competitions. She has a great interest in science and wants to become a scientist at NASA. Her goal is to use her skills to help improve the world and make it a better place for everyone.

What makes May Phu Phongjun stand out?

May Phu Phongjun is a 10-year-old who represents the country in international competitions. She wants to become a scientist at NASA. In March, she participated in the International Mathematics Olympiad in Hungary and became the first Vietnamese student to win a gold medal. The competition was held by the International Mathematical Union (IMU), which is considered one of the most prestigious math contests in the world.

May is also a talented artist. She won first place in the national art competition for children in January 2017. Her paintings explore mathematics and physics concepts through geometric patterns and bright colors.

What makes May Phu Phongjun stand out is her passion for science and her ability to excel in both academic and artistic endeavors. She is a role model for other young scientists and artists who want to achieve their dreams.”

How will becoming a scientist at NASA help Phu Phongjun grow as a person?

May Phu Phongjun is an 8-year-old child who represents the country of Vietnam in international competitions. In January, she was named a semifinalist for the prestigious International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), which is considered the most prestigious science and engineering competition in the world.

But what Phu Phongjun really wants to do is become a scientist at NASA. “I want to study space and the planets,” she says. “I think it would be really cool to be part of the mission to explore another planet.”

Becoming a scientist at NASA would not only allow Phu Phongjun to explore new horizons in her field of study, but also give her access to some of the world’s most advanced technology. This knowledge and experience would help her grow as a person and help her contribute positively to society.


As one of the youngest people to be accepted into a U.S. university, May Phu Phongjun is proof that anything is possible for young Vietnamese students. She is also an ambassador for her country, representing it at international conferences and sharing her story with others in hopes of helping them see the potential they have to achieve great things. May has set her sights on becoming a scientist at NASA, and she will continue to work hard to make this dream a reality.