The University of Madrid has confirmed that people who go to bed late at night, in other words, those who wake up late, are the ones who are slow.

It’s no secret that people who go to bed late tend to be more productive in the morning. But is it really because they’re smarter than people who wake up early? Turns out, according to a recent study by the University of Madrid, it might just be because those who go to bed late are actually more efficient.

In the study, participants were asked to complete a task that required mentally rotating objects. Those who woke up at the same time as everyone else and went to bed at a normal hour performed just as well as those who went to bed later and woke up later. However, those who went to bed later and then woke up early performed much better than those who woke up earlier but went to bed at the same time as everyone else. According to the study’s lead author, this is because people who go to bed late are able to get more done in a shorter amount of time.

What is the University of Madrid’s study about?

The University of Madrid has confirmed that people who go to bed late at night, in other words, those who wake up late, are the ones who are slow. The study was conducted on a group of volunteers and found that people who sleep later have a slower reaction time, which makes them less able to focus on tasks and learn new information.

The Results of the Study

The University of Madrid has confirmed that people who go to bed late at night, in other words, those who wake up late, are the ones who are slow. The study was conducted by measuring reaction times and found that those who go to bed at 10pm or later have a slower reaction time than those who go to bed at 7pm or earlier.

What You Can Do About It

If you’re a night owl, you might not be aware of it, but going to bed later can actually have negative consequences on your productivity. According to a study conducted by the University of Madrid, people who go to bed late are the ones who are slow. The study found that those who wake up at or after midnight have a 27% lower IQ than those who wake up before midnight. Apparently, the brain has to work harder to process information when it’s still awake.

So what can you do about this? First and foremost, make sure to get a good amount of sleep. If that’s not possible, try to limit the time you spend onscreen in front of your computer or TV. And lastly, try to schedule your day so that you’ll naturally wind down at night.


If you’re someone who struggles to get a good night’s sleep, it might be worth considering whether going to bed later on in the evening is the right solution for you. According to research conducted by the University of Madrid, people who go to bed later are actually slower than those who go to bed early. While this study is still relatively new and needs further confirmation, if you find that staying up late makes it difficult for you to get through your day without feeling fatigued, it might be time consider changing your sleeping habits.