Yangon, August (29) Kachin, Chin It is reported that the United Nations is providing life-saving food (or cash) to people in Rakhine and Shan states who are in need of food.

There have been a number of reports in recent weeks of people in Burma – Myanmar, commonly known as Yangon and Rangoon – being in need of food. This is partly due to the ongoing conflict between the Burmese military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), as well as a severe drought that has hit the country in recent months.

The United Nations has been providing food (or cash) to people in these states who are in need of it, noting that this is only a temporary measure. The UN is also calling on all parties to the conflict to allow aid workers to provide assistance.

What is the United Nations doing?

The United Nations is providing life-saving food (or cash) to people in Rakhine and Shan states who are in need of food.

This latest action comes as part of the UN’s humanitarian response to the ongoing crisis in Myanmar. The UN has been helping to provide food and other essential supplies to civilians in Rakhine and Shan states since late 2017. So far, the UN has distributed over 6 million meals and more than 2 million litres of safe drinking water.

The UN has also been working to restore basic services, such as healthcare and education. It has deployed more than 1,200 personnel to help with this task. The UN hopes that its humanitarian response will help stem the tide of the crisis and bring relief to the millions of people who are affected by it.

How many people are receiving food from the United Nations?

It is reported that the United Nations is providing life-saving food (or cash) to people in Rakhine and Shan states who are in need of food. Since the start of the conflict between the Myanmar military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), over 260,000 people have fled their homes. Of these, over 100,000 have sought refuge in neighboring Thailand.

The United Nations has been working to help these refugees since early 2017. They have been distributing food and cash to those who are in need. This has helped to keep many people from starving to death. The UN also hopes that this humanitarian effort will help to resolve the conflict between the Myanmar military and the KIA.

What are the conditions of those who are receiving food from the United Nations?

The United Nations is providing life-saving food (or cash) to people in Rakhine and Shan states who are in need of food. The conditions of those who are receiving food from the United Nations are not reported. However, it is safe to say that the food is likely going to be a life-saver for many people in need.

The United Nations has been providing humanitarian aid to Myanmar for years now. In 2017, they sent more than 1million metric tons of food and supplies to the country. This includes everything from rice to medical supplies.

The United Nations has a long history of helping people in need. They have done so both in Myanmar and around the world. By providing food and supplies to those in need, the United Nations is helping to save lives.

Why did the United Nations decide to provide food to people in need in Rakhine and Shan states?

The United Nations has decided to provide food to people in need in Rakhine and Shan states due to the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis there. The UN has been struggling to provide relief to people in these areas for months, and the food program is one way that they hope to improve the situation.

The food that the United Nations is providing will help to feed people who are currently facing a shortage of food. It will also provide some financial assistance to those who need it most. The United Nations is hoping that this program will help to reduce the number of people who are displaced or in need of humanitarian assistance.


It is heartwarming to see the United Nations coming to the aid of innocent people in need. In recent months, reports have surfaced of violence and human rights abuses taking place in Myanmar’s Rakhine and Shan states. The United Nations has decided to provide life-saving food (or cash) to people in need, marking a significant change from previous policies that hesitated to get involved. Hopefully this will help alleviate some of the suffering that these communities are experiencing.